Ultra Violet System

We have gained  industry experience enables us to manufacture and supply a large gamut of Ultra Violet System. These systems are equipped with the advanced technologies and qualitative materials. The range offered by us is free from any defect and reliable in nature. With safety instruments indication lamps, U V lamp in SS body with internal wiring, inlet-outlet of ½ and on-off switches these systems are available at most economic rates in market.

Features: Easy maintenance, Long serving life, Economic rates

Ozonation Plant  

We are engaged in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of Ozonation Plant, which is extensively used in various industries due to their oxidative qualities. The offered system is used to remove unwanted taste, odor and removal of iron and manganese, color and provide effective disinfection. Moreover, this Ozone (O3) is a low molecular weight molecule composed of three oxygen atoms arranged in a triangular arrangement and gives high chemical reactivity results from their unstable electron configuration.

Chlorination Plant

Chlorination Plant is the process of adding the element chlorine to water as a method of water purification to make it fit for human consumption as drinking water. Water which has been treated with chlorine is effective in preventing the spread of water borne disease through water chlorination system. We provide online chlorination plant systems to dose chlorine into the water for the purpose of disinfectation. Water chlorination plants are widely used in water treatment plants, swimming pools, disinfection stages in sewage treatment plants and various other applications.